Tuesday, October 26, 2010

UBC Running Clinic

The group had a good run last night as we did hill repeats and had a talk about biomechanics. It was raining and windy but despite the weather we had a good workout. It was refreshing to be out there and enjoying the workout.
Today, I will go out and run in this rainy weather and will be prepared as I will make sure to dress in layers and this will keep me warm.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Fall Running

Now that fall is here and the leaves have fallen it is beautiful running in the trails with the multi-colored leaves as I run I hear the crunch of the leaves beneath my feet. I do have to watch my footing more when it rains to prevent slipping or falling from the leaves. I do love running in the fall season as it cooler for me. It is also refreshing and dressing in layers keeps one warm and dry. The trails are the best place to run during the fall season as you are surrounded not only by beauty, but the many color leaves.

Off to the trails.